Explore how AOS RC collaborates with FPV retailers and manufacturers for unbiased reviews and innovative product design.
Partner with AOS RC to connect your top-notch FPV products with enthusiastic pilots through our affiliate program. My recommendations are based on firsthand experience and thorough testing by AOS Labs, ensuring only the best products are highlighted.
Benefits of Partnering:
Increase visibility: Your store gains exposure to a dedicated FPV audience seeking quality gear.
Support independent testing: collaborating with me underlines your commitment to quality and putting the right products in the hands of your customers.
Showcase the best: I only recommend products that excel in my rigorous and unbiased tests. For more details, read my Affiliate Link Policy.
Triple win: This partnership benefits everyone—pilots discover superior products, you reach more customers, and we further the cause of independent testing with each commission earned.
I'm on a mission to ensure that FPV pilots have access to the best gear out there. If your store stocks products that you believe in - products that can stand up to the scrutiny of rigorous testing - I'd love to work with you. Reach out to explore how we can collaborate.

At AOS RC, I'm passionate about pushing the boundaries of what's possible in FPV technology through strategic collaborations with manufacturers. My approach includes:
Unbiased product reviews: Get the spotlight on your new products with my unbiased, rigorous testing on YouTube and AOS Labs. Please note, all reviews are impartial with no editorial control for manufacturers. Curious to see how your FPV product performs? Drop me a line to arrange sending samples for review.
Co-design partnerships: By collaborating on product design, we can bring innovative, high-performance products to market. I partner exclusively with one manufacturer per product category, ensuring my efforts are focused and impactful. If your company consistently ranks at the top in my tests, I'm eager to explore potential co-design opportunities with you.